Personal Care Attendant Services for the individual person
Personal Care Attendant Services for the individual person
COVID-19 Information
COVID-19 Information
Where to turn if you have questions on Covid-19:
If you have any questions about the care of your clients, please Contact AAHH staff. If you have specific questions about COVID-19, call the MDH general hotline at 651-201-3920. If you or your client have symptoms of COVID-19, you should contact your medical provider by phone, inform them of your concerns and follow their specific instructions. As a reminder, you must report to the AAHH if you have a positive COVID-19 test result at allagehomehealthcare@yahoo.com.
As the coronavirus situation in Minnesota rapidly evolves, we are making changes to our operational practices to do our part to help prevent person-to-person transmission of the virus and keep our employees, caregivers and clients safe.
Information for caregivers with more than one client:
A caregiver serving more than one client can take extra steps to keep themselves and clients safe:
- Make sure you change your clothes when going from one home to the other; this includes shoes.
- Always wash your hands and clothing after working with your clients.
- If you are wearing a cloth mask or face covering, wash it in between working for clients or use a different one that has been washed.
any potential symptoms of COVID. Even if they are not asking you, you can do this independently using this app: https://www.apple.com/covid19 .
If you do experience symptoms, call your client and inform them right away. Also get tested as soon as you are able; if you do test positive, please inform the client and AAHH immediately.
Masks available:
AAHH will distribute masks on a request basis. When requested by a client, we will send out five surgical masks and one cloth mask for each caregiver/PCA a client has actively working. Clients can email us at allagehomehealthcare@yahoo.com or call us at (763) 537-1202 with requests.
Proper use of surgical masks:
Guidelines on how to reuse and dispose of surgical masks properly according to the CDC:
Surgical masks can be worn for a full shift, then placed in a paper bag labeled with your name and reused by you. Please rotate these bagged masks every 3-5 shifts. This allows the virus, if present, to die on the surface of the mask before reuse. Use these masks until the mask is ripped or too contaminated for reuse; the mask should then be thrown away.
CDC guidance on home isolation:
The CDC recommends remaining in isolation until at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared in addition to meeting other criteria related to fever and other symptoms.
Help finding caregivers:
If you are looking for any additional care coverage, remember you can consult the AAHH at allagehomehealthcare@yahoo.com. If you have any questions, or need technical assistance, contact our office at (763) 537-1202.
Apple screening tool:
Apple has developed a screening tool to help people take the proper steps to protect their health during the spread of COVID-19. Accra believes this could be a helpful way to protect your health and the health of your caregiver. iPhone users can download the Apple COVID-19 app in the app store. If you do not have an iPhone, visit https://www.apple.com/covid19.If you have specific questions about COVID-19, call the MDH general hotline at (651) 201-3920.
What to Do If You Are Sick:
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should contact your medical provider by phone, inform them of your concerns, then follow their specific instructions. Please notify us if you are experiencing any symptoms or receive a positive diagnosis by calling (763) 537-1202.
Please notify us if you have a scheduled AAHH visit and are experiencing any symptoms, by calling (763) 537-1202. We will then discuss your symptoms and make a plan prior to the home visit.
As the coronavirus situation in Minnesota rapidly evolves, we are making changes to our operational practices to do our part to help prevent person-to-person transmission of the virus, and keep our employees, caregivers and clients safe.
Face coverings required
Executive Order 20-81 requires Minnesotans to wear a face covering in indoor businesses and indoor public settings.
Due to there being very few doses of vaccines available initially, COVID-19 vaccinations will be administered through a phased approach.
The CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) determined the priority groups that will receive vaccines first. The Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Advisory Group reviews the ACIP guidelines and makes detailed recommendations for how to apply the guidelines in Minnesota. The goal for the first, limited doses of COVID-19 vaccine is to protect those who are exposed to COVID-19 every day because of what they do, who they care for, or where they live.
Phase 1a, which has started, includes people working in health care settings who are at the highest risk for COVID-19 exposure and residents of long-term care facilities. People eligible for COVID-19 vaccine in phase 1a will be contacted by their employer or the facility where they live to let them know when the vaccine is available to them. The next groups (phase 1b) are frontline essential workers and adults 75 years and older. Phase 1c includes adults ages 65-74 years; people ages 16 to 64 years with high-risk medical conditions; and other essential workers. MDH does not yet know when people in phase 1b and 1c will be able to get the vaccine in Minnesota.
Visit the Minnesota Department of Health Vaccine Homepage
More information on phases:
Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 Vaccine Phases and Planning
Helpful information from the CDC about the vaccines, their benefits and the overall U.S. vaccination program:
Visit the CDC Website